It’s probably every kid’s dream to be home alone and to be able to defend the home should things go sideways.
I still remember critics savaging the believability of the film and how ridiculous it is that a kid would be accidentally left home alone. But judging some of the news stories of today in which parents have left their kids alone on ferries and sadly, alone in locked cars, perhaps leaving them home alone is not so far fetched.
Even though this film is 30 years old, every time I watch it, I never feel as if it’s from 30 years ago.
I like most kids who grew up on Home Alone can recite most of the dialogue by heart. And Kevin McCallister is all of us when a couple of crooks are trying to break into our house.
Yes, this movie is totally unbelievable and scary when you think about two grown men trying to break into a house with a little kid in it. But it’s a classic to our generation the way It’s a Wonderful Life is for others.